The Humanity that comes out of this that I have witnessed in my own little neighborhood has been the most unexpected thing for me. I’ve lived in my neighborhood for two years but I didn’t know most of my neighbors until now. Now we’re stopping on the sidewalk and talking to them in their yards. People are dropping food off on each other’s porches. People are playing music across the fence in backyards. My half a block that I live on has an incredible band. That part is unexpected — that people would actually physically crave other humans as much as they have. And it didn’t take that long, only ten days, for people to realize that we live in such tiny bubbles anyway and this other bubble was my own block in this little neighborhood in Fort Worth, Texas. That has been unexpected and welcome.

There’s a genuine excitement for people to really support each other’s art and to support each other as humans. It’s for everyone. There’s a lot of folks out there that are very isolated, a lot of artists and musicians. It’s hard not to brag on Fort Worth, but it’s been really nice here. From virtual song swaps to all the funny comments on facebook live videos I’ve done. I’ve really really appreciated the whole community coming together.

Simon Flory
Musician & Actor
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Please credit all photos Make Something Beautiful @makesomethingbeautifulfw | @bigbenbender

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